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Pet Sitter - Instructions 2 mi dog sitter...

Pet Sitter - Instructions 2 mi dog sitter...

SKU: 8039
Front Reads: "Instructions 2 mi dog siter #1 i alwayz set tabl foodz & left overz#2 Leave tha TV on & turnd to Animal Planet#3 i alwayz get mor treats than food#4 it's OK 4 mee to sleep on sofa (charz & bedz 2!)#5 i don't need leash to wawk so easier 2 chas squrlsP.S. U can't believe how hard 2 do this wif mi pawz & nozInterior reads: "TANK U  (I don't tell...U don't tell!)"Have you ever wondered how a dog would say "thank you"?Our unique pet sitter card written "by the dog" will surely make anydog sitter smile! Ours even comes with an "extra special" envelopefor mailing.6 cards per pack with distinctive doggie envelopes  ($2.25 each)Made in the USA
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